Data entry! Some highlights in the tedium

We’ve been super busy the last few weeks busily mapping gardens before the harvest is over (please lend a few hours to help! It’s really fun and will help enormously!), and collecting Harvest Logs from dedicated gardeners with scales to enter into the database. Taking a break from the repetitive, tedious process of entering each gardener’s log, I just wanted to share a few highlights – just a hint of what our results are looking like:

  • Some gardeners in Harlem plant more than 100 tomato plants in one bed, utilizing trellises to the point where they look like grape vines
  • One gardener in Brooklyn harvested 12.5 lbs of garlic one day in June, then 11.5 lbs 6 days later, then another 12.5 lbs 3 days after that.
    • That same gardener harvested 10+ lbs of gooseberries off of one bush
  • Another Brooklyn gardener harvested a total of 13 lbs of Korean squash over the course of one month
  • A garden in the Bronx collectively harvested 23 lbs of excess tomatoes in one day for their farmers’ market
  • Another Bronx garden collectively harvested 8 lbs of callaloo in one day
  • A gardener in Harlem harvested 10.5 lbs of okra in one day

…and back to work.